Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bookmark corner

Are you a person who is really takes care with the books and always use bookmark but sometime you lost the bookmark and need to fold the corner of the books to mark. Don’t worry; I have an idea for you. Do you house have leftover wedding card or envelope? Use them as a bookmark corner.

Decorative paper

To get the triangle shape, you have three options:
1) Print from template

2) Draw it

3) Just cut it from the corner of card

Then draw triangle shape on the decorative paper. Make sure the drawing not extend from the card. You can choose the pattern background or use the piece of cloth.

Next, paste the triangle decorative paper onto triangle card.

Then decorate it according your perspective; ribbon, sticker etc. Instead being bookmark, it also can be a decorative for the book and we also feel more motivate to read.

Love shape


Tadaa, it’s done.

You also can create a paper pocket at the last page of book from the  library to save this bookmark from lost.

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